Get latest premium mk-14 drakreign skin in pubg, hello friend welcome back to our website and today ,I will share the information about the pubg game.
so pubg is one of the best action shooting games, and this is the online game so if you want to play it with your friends,but if you don’t want to play you can also play with random people from all around the world.
and now the new and the latest premium mk-14 drakreign skin is available in the pubg game ,so if you don’t know about the mk-14 so the mk-14 is the weapon in this game as I told you that this is the shooting game.
So in this game you get the various categories of the weapons and their allowed weapons which are included in the categories for now the new mk-14 weapon green screen is available in the pubg mobile player unknown battleground game.
New Themed Wheel Spin In Pubg
New themed wheel spin in pubg mobile, after every month or even though the developers of the pubg mobile ,player unknown Battleground mobile launches the wheel ,so now the new themed wheel Spin is available in the pubg mobile game which you can use to get the premium sets.
So in this new themed wheel spin there are a lot of many new things are available such as now in this themed will spin your going to get the new mk-14 drakreign skin and even though many new premium outfits and also the new car skin is included in this themed will stop
If you don’t know how you can use the themed wheel spin in the pubg game so just you have to open your pubg game then scroll to another lobby there you will see the wheel spin option,
just click on it you have to spend some gold or Silver coins to use the wheel. then when the wheel spin moves you will get the reward that you want.
Get New Skin In Only 10 Uc
Get a new skin in only 10 unknown cash, so friends as I told you that now the new themed will Spin is available in the pubg game which is included in the new update so now the developers of the pubg game providing you the chance that now you are going to get the latest skin in only 10 unknown cash.
So unknown cash is the in-game currency of the pubg mobile which you can use to purchase the items so 10 unknown cash is not enough for buying the skin but now there is a chance so you can get the premium skin in only 10 unknown cash.