New Dancing Stage in PUBG Mobile Latest Update

New dancing stage in PUBG mobile latest update, hello friends welcome back to our blog, your friends here with another article in this excellent article. I am going to share the information about the pubg mobile player Unknown battleground games latest update 3.3.

and also before the release of the actual 3.3 update mobile is giving you a lot of items. and the new events in the PUBG mobile,because the players were getting bored by playing the daily routine maps and the matches.

If you don’t know about pubg mobile, then the player Unknown battleground is an action shooting ,online and the multiplayer game .which is famous all over the world and there are millions of games over playing this game from different devices.

such as the mobile phone, iPad laptop or the personal computer, because they are available on all of these platforms. and you can download this game from the Google Play store,even from the Apple store or any other search engine.

so the pubg mobile player Unknown battleground game ,in which you get the various categories of the weapons. and also there are different locations in the map.

where you can go and chill so now in the PUBG mobile, player Unknown battleground game developers has added a dancing stage in the game. in which you can go and you can spend time dancing with your friends.

So this is dancing available in the classic mode and also in the park ,so you can just go to the stage and press the button to dance. When you press the button tones you will start dancing in different steps you can also dance with your friends and can enjoy.

Earn points while dancing

Earn points while dancing, yes friends you have heard right that now you can earn points by dancing on the stage. Which is now available in the PUBG mobile ,player unknown battleground game.

So you just have to do some moves on the stage and you can earn the coins, and also you can spend those coins or the points to purchase silver fragments.

and later on you can use the silver fragments by using the wheel spin and also you can purchase some premium things from the shop, by spending the silver fragment.

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