M416 Fool
M416 fool is the skin of m416 this skin is the best skin pubg most people like this skin ayer m416 glacier the m416 fool id added before from m416 glacier if you upgrade

this skin into 7th level you got finel from means . the creat of enemies will get the shape of a joker its look so beautiful . if you lover of you must try it this skin in 4th level you got
the kill filed name were you killed enemies your name in kille field come with stylish joker name . its look so gregarious and people afraid from you because you have m416 fool.
If you upgrade m416 fool to level 6th you get kill effect . when you kill enemies the blood out from enemies the color is purple.
Joker Set
M416 fool if you wish you have the joker dress , face mask , backpack and other things of joker like keychain . you also get all things because kraftoon also added this items

if your wish you have a joker dress go to shop and buy this dress but first you have uc (the money of pubg) if your wish you have a joker ask repeat go to shop and buy this
if you’re wish you have a joker backpack go to shop and buy this . all items look so dangerous and and and you get free emote with this character when you start this emote you look so dangerous.Season 17 .
Season 17
Season 17 almost ended . season 17 comes with many items like season 17 Awm skin , season 17 parachute,season 17 dress ,season 17 conqueror picture frame , season 17 headgear .
if you like you have a skin of awm first you reach diamond tier and go to bottom down ( season 17) and collect this skin of awm gun you like you have a season 17 dress first you reach gold tier and get this dress and the headgear of season 17 you
get with the dress of season 17 you like you have a parasite parachute and feels good when you landing first you reach ace tire and get this parachute and equip
this when you landing from plane you look so beautiful if you like you have a season 17 conqueror picture frame first you reach conquer and get this avatar frame.
When season 17 was end . if you are on diamond tier you get free 1000 silvers if you are on crown tier you get free 1200 silvers .
Mythic Fashion Dress ‘ fortune’s power set
When season 17 came the spin of mythic fashion dress also came and many people spin this and get mythic fashion dress . there are four dresses .
Many dresses have their own helmet skin , own bagpake skin , and their own emote . Is this wite color mythic fashion dress very good? When you start this emote
you sit on an invisible chair and when you stand you brake the star in the air and pieces of the star will be invisible in air .
RP Activity Pack Event .
Purchase rp activity packs so increase you rp points and collect mission rp point that they are converted in uc refunds Buy rp packs so that you can get the rp points or equivalent coupons.
Adventures Runic Power :
Runic power mode was added in pubg mobile in which mode they give you three powers so you can play you game and make your gameplay free easy and adventurous .
so you select this oower and use this power in match to make your match esier 1st power is Ice wall if you select this power it makes your match easier like you can use this power to clime over the bigger obticles if
your enemies is camper you can easily kill her with using this power . 2nd power is Windy Shild when you start this power one circle encircleing around you and protect you from enemies attack . 3rd power is Magma wheel
you can use this power to make cover in front of you to protect yourself from enemies and use this to go in houses and other cover because this magma wheel was running .
Thanks .