Pubg mobile Global latest 3.2 Metro Royale update, hello friends welcome back to our website and.I am here with another informative article for today, I am going to share the information about Pubg mobile ,player unknown Battleground game.
So the latest 3.2 update has been released in the pubg global game, so you are able to get all the new events and updates in the game including the metro Royale map update .So the 3.2 Update was being released in the pubg global game.
so that update also includes the metro Royale map update.
And now many new events are included in the Metro royal map such as new areas have been added in the map and also you are going to get Many new features such as very is a special weapon you get only in the metro Royale.
and even though a lot of new missions and the rewards have been added in metro royal map update.
New Areas In Map
New areas in the Metro royal map before the 3.2 update there were old areas which all of The Gamers and the user the have explored and now they wanted to experience the new environment with the new thing.
and even though the new weapons are ,so after the 3.2 Metro royal map update a lot of the things have been changed .
Such as there is a new weapon which has been added in the metro Royale map and that weapon is only available in the metro royal map such as if you are playing any other map or any other map of the pubg mobile player unknown Battleground game.;
then you are not able to find that weapon or able to use that weapon because that weapon is only available in the Metro royal map.
And even though the new areas have been added in the metro royal map so you can go to those areas which are available in the map.
and can complete your missions to earn the many premium items and the best rewards in the pubg game .And the name of those areas which have been added in the map are given below .
- Misty port.
- Arctic base.