PUBG Mobile introduced new orb blaster in game

Pubg mobile introduced a new orb blaster in game, welcome back to your friends ,and today I am going to tell you a latest update about the pubg mobile, player unknown battleground game. if you are a lover and die hard fan of the pubg mobile game.

then you know that pubg mobile has launched a new 3.3 version in the game,and also the developers of this game take a lot of time to build this version and after the release of this version

They added a lot of new weapons. and also the events in the game where you can go explore many new items and can solve the puzzle to collect the premium old rewards.

And including that the pubg mobile has introduced a new orb blaster in the game this is kind of ability or the effect in the game ,which will help you a lot and also you are going to use it in every match when you get interested in it.

So pubg mobile is an action shooting game in which you get the various categories of the weapons, which you have to use to fight with enemies such as a pistol rifle or RPG. and all of these items are very exclusive.

Also your enemies have these enemies and can they kill you by using these, and you can protect yourself from the orb blaster ,orb blaster is a ball of water where you can stand or sit to protect you from the upcoming bullets.

Just have to play the ore blaster wherever you want ,and you can put it on it to protect yourself. There is a timer and after the end of the timer the ball will disappear and you will get the damage.

Get unlimited orb blaster

Get unlimited orb blaster ,as I told you that the pubg mobile added an orb blaster ability effect in the pubg game ,which you can use to protect yourself from the enemies. and also it will help you to increase your health.

so the pubg mobile players find it so interesting, and useful and they wanted to collect as many. as they can win the match very easily if you are also a person who wants to get unlimited in the game. then you are able to do it just you have to eliminate the enemy and you can loot their boxes to get this thing.

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