Now pubg mobile is giving you five exclusive car skins in game, hello friends, welcome back to our blog. Your friend is here with another update of the pubg mobile game.
So if you are a person who is playing the pubg mobile, play an unknown battleground game from a long time. then you know that this game always gives you an exclusive update and this is an action shooting online, multiplayer game. which you can play with your friend.
And even with random peoples to enhance your gaming experience .So the pubg mobile player unknown battleground game is now going to give you the five exclusive skins of the cars.
If you don’t know about the pubg game then the pubg mobile is an action game, in which you get the thriller environment with the various categories of the weapons. and the huge space of inventory where you can store your favorite items.
and the outfits so now the new pubg mobile ,player unknown battleground game has added an update in the game.which is known as the pubg mobile collaboration with the Lamborghini.
yes friend you have heard right that now pubg mobile, player unknown battleground game actually mobile phone. and console games have collaborated with the world’s best sports car manufacturing company whose name is Lamborghini.
Due to the collaboration, you can use the skins of the Lamborghini cars in the game without any issues because. There are default vehicles in the game. and they don’t have any skin so you can use the skins of the Lamborghini.
and that car will be converted into that car such as if you are using a Lamborghini svg or the Lamborghini urus skin then on. which car you will apply the skin to, that car will be converted to the Lamborghini SUV or the SVG.
And including all of these items in the game pubg mobile gives you total 5 skins,so you can equipore obtain any skin that you like or any skin that you want in the game .Just you have to obtain it by playing the missions or completing the task. and even you can collect by spending the unknown cash inside the game.
Applicable vehicle on which you can use skins
Applicable vehicle, on which you can use it, hello gamer say as I have told you that the pubg mobile. Player unknown battleground game has been added, and you can use them in the game because now the pubg mobile game has now collaborated with the Lamborghini car company.
and due to the collaboration you are able to obtain the skins of the Lamborghini cars like the Lamborghini Huracan or the Lamborghini Urus or any other skin.
But there are the new beginners who are joining the pubg game, and they don’t know on which default vehicles they are able to use the new skin. so don’t get tense.because the latest skin of Lamborghini vehicles are able to be used on the vehicles. which are Uaz,Buggy Sedan.