Time to get creative and make your own house to publish it ,hey gamers welcome back to our blog, your friend is here with the latest update about the world famous action shooting game. whose name is pubg mobile also known as player unknown battleground game.
so there is good news for you, because if you are a lover of creative games like minecraft or any other game. in which you can make the house is by using your own mind and placing the objects in the right places. So the pubg mobile ,player unknown battleground game has released and update in the game.
which is known as the world of Wonder and now you can play this update to make your own house by using your own creativity and mind.
and even you can publish your house in the community of the pubg game to win the different kinds of rewards .and the items just have to make a unique house by using the different objects like the TV ,door,couch or anything.
which are inside the room or in the house and after making a complete house you have to publish it in the pubg mobile community .and all the members of community we like your house. and will select it by voting for it and if you win the contest you will be rewarded by the best.
and the premium items and the rewards. You can even create a whole map inside the game and you can publish it in the pubg community and when your map has been selected different players and. you can even play that map with your friends and also you can make changes in the map.
How to play new world of Wonder map
How to play New World of Wonder map ,if you are also a person who is searching on the Internet how you can play The New world of Wonder map inside the pubg mobile game .because pubg mobile, player unknown battleground game was released on the Google Play store app store or the internet.
in early 2017, and from that year millions of gamers have joined the game very recently. and they are enjoying it very much but they don’t know about the settings of the game. and they have heard the news , that they are able to create their own house to publish it in the community to win the rewards.
So don’t get tense because you can pay the world of Wonder map to create your online unique houses or the map, so first of all you have to update your pubg mobile game using your respective store. after updating the game you have to login into your game.
and you have downloaded all the resource packs and after completing the update you have to open your game and go to the maps option, there you will see the world of Wonder map, select it and then press on the play button. when the map has been started you have to use different objects. and the items to make a complete house for the map.