Pubg vs Free Fire
First of all I am telling you about pubg mobile player unknown battlegrounds so that the world-famous action multiplier and online game in which all around the world. many players which connect and play together. This is the very best game and this graphics are very best.
So these guns are very high damage and there are some famous guns in the pubg mobile in the snipers section is AWM and the ar rifles in scar l and m4 16 graphics is also good for pubg mobile and the cause of the pub ji mobile is very good .
Downloaded game
And the people who downloaded this game 100M+.Free fire is the world’s best online multiplayer and action game in which All Around The World many players are connected and play each together like

pubg mobile VS free Fire is the very best game and this game is like pubg mobile and the free fire is released before form the pubg mobile pubg mobile have released after from grana free fire free.
Fire is the second world best and very good game. The number of People who downloaded this game is 500 million above. So if you are thinking of pubg mobile downloaders are lower than free fire .
Famous Ar Guns And Snipers In Pubg.
There are many guns in pubg mobile and the most visible who carried the most carry guns is the M4 16, scar l and A k.m. And there are also other guns because these guns are very high damage from other guns.
If you pick this gun then kill the enemy and your enemy were killed faster than the other guns but other guns are very good some people like other than some people like this guns and they drop weapons are very good and the people who carried all of people pick this because these guns is very good like groza,
- AUG.
- Mk 14.
In the sniper section is the
- Kar98k ,
- M24
and the Awm as these are the very best and the very carried and most popular in the pub g mobile and the awn is add-on in the drop weapons. Because this sniper is very rare.
Famous Ar Rifle And Snipers In Free Fire.
So We Started From The Sniper rifles. First of all if the car 98 came this Sniper is also available in free fire because this is a very very good gun and higher damage.
This gun is in the free fire you get this gun in many locations.Kar98k should be instantly recognizable to The Gamers who played free fire. And also the players who are playing the pubg mobile because this Kar98k Sniper is also available in pubg mobile and free fire.
If you are playing for pubg mobile and You shifted into the free fire, you will get the injoy of the Kar98k in the free fire.And this Kar98k bolt action Sniper comes with the Pre attached 8X scope and if you are Sniper silencer and or muzzle , you also attached to the Kar98k silencer or a muzzle.This is the right hand of the free fire.
Awm In Free Fire.
If pubg mobile is Ben in your area you get no tension because free fire is also available if you are shifted into the free fire you get the Sniper AWM.
you get the feel of Bolt action and best is Sniper awm this is very popular and famous gun in pubg mobile and also in the free fire because this gun is very high damage from other Sniper if you are carried and picked this gun you are very dangerous people in the people here because this gun is very rare in free fire.
If you have a silencer muzzle is Sniper magazine and the 8x scope and the you will attach all the equipments of the a w m in the fire because these are available to get equipment when you attached all the equipment these gun become more comfortable.
Vss In Free Fire.
Vss is not be prepared to ask a sniper rifle because it deals with the lowest damaged and the people who are not picked this gun because this is this gun is very low damage from other a sniper reloaded 15 Bullet if you’re fired from this gun is the marks of the firing on the map will not be apers .
This gun also has the 4 x scope and will be Pree attached on the CSS and the silencer you are not be able to remove the scope and silencer.
SKS In Free Fire .
SKS comes with 4x scope and the all attachments are available to attach to the same as this deals with the higher rate damage this gun is very good in the mid to long range battles in this high rated energy made this good Sniper in free fire new to the game.
SKS In Pub g Mobile.
SKS is also available in the pubg mobile player unknown Battleground with a good damage in pubg mobile most of the squad pick this gun.This gun comes with the Iron side in pubg because you will attach 4x scope 3x scope, Red Dot and holographic on the SKS in Pubg vs Free Fire
SKS is also available in the pubg mobile player unknown Battleground with a good damage in pubg mobile most of the squad pick this gun.This gun comes with the Iron side in pubg because you will attach 4x scope 3x scope, Red Dot and holographic on the SKS in pubg mobile VS
SKS is also available in the pubg mobile player unknown Battleground with a good damage in pubg mobile most of the squad pick this gun.This gun comes with the Iron side in pubg because you will attach 4x scope 3x scope, Red Dot and holographic on the SKS in pubg mobile.
Graphic Of Free Fire.
Free fire has lowered graphics from the pubg, mobile player unknown battlegrounds because this free fire is released before from the pubg and the pubg release after free fire.
The graphics of the free fire is lower. The developers of free fire are not developing the graphics of the free fire and the crouching proning and the standing graphics is very low from the pubg .
Graphics Of Pubg Mobile.
The Graphics in the Pubg Mobile Pubg Mobile Has Very Good Best and The Very Very Good For Free Fire Because This Mobile Is Released After The Free Fire ,
Very good graphics you play this game in your android In the 60fps pub g Mobile Crouching Proning And Standing Positions Graphics Is Very Good If You Are Going To Pron The Graphics Are You Visible IF You Are crouching The Position of the Crouching Is Also Be Visible To You Are Crouch.
Games Like Free Fire and Pubg Mobile Is The Size of The A Pubg Mobile. If the 620mbs and free Fire is as also 620 MBS If You Think The space of free fire space is low due to its graphics, you are wrong, the size of both games is the same.
Written by, M.Rehan.Naz: