PUBG Mobile:New ptopia classic design contest has begun

New ptopia classic design contest ,has begin in pubg mobile ,hello friends will come back to our blog .and I am here with the latest update of the pubg mobile,player unknown battleground game .so if you are a person who was waiting from a long time to play a contest in the pubg game.

and you are a person who was the preparing itself to make the different outfits sets, with their unique .and also the creativity. so you can now participate in the new contest which has already begun into the pubg mobile. player and non battleground game.

If you don’t know about the pubg mobile game ,then the player unknown battleground game is an action shooting,online and the multiplayer game which is famous all over the globe .and there are millions of gamers who are playing it and enjoying it very much.

and also in the pubg mobile game has launched a new event in the game. which is known as the creativity contest and in this game you can show your outfits which are designed by yourself.

and if you win the contest you will be rewarded by the different items, and the in-game prizes ,but first of all you have to create a unique outfit with its appearance.and also you can join and community in the pubg mobile game.

So the members of the community will know what your outfit set, and if your outfit has been selected you are able to collect the different objects. and the in-game premium rewards.

Flex your creativity to get 80000 Usd prize

flex your creativity to get up to 80000 us dollars price, hello gamers as I have told you that the pubg mobile ,player unknown battleground game has released the new update in the game.

So in the new update you are able to collect all of the items and also up to 80000 cash prize because some of the players who play the pubg mobile game don’t have their best gaming consoles .They all want the money to purchase those items.

so now you are now playing the pubg mobile game and you can participate in the new contest. so in the new contest just you have to like your creativity by showing ever creating the unique outfit sets. and presenting them to the contest and if you win the game you will be rewarded with the 80000 cash prize.

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