New mythic forge event in PUBG is here get free premium items for free ,hello friends welcome back to another article and our blog and in this article.
I am going to share the information about the world famous action shooter multiplayer and the shooting game whose name is a PUBG mobile.
player unknown battleground, and if you are lover of shooting games then obviously know about this game and if you also wanted to get the premium items for free.
because the premium items are not free you have to pay the price or the game credits to purchase the premium items but now the new event in the PUBG mobile is here whose name is mythic forge.
and in this event you are going to get the free premium items and the list of the premium items is a very long ,such as in this event you are going to get the best M24 gun is sniper skin and also new mythic items in the new mythic forge ,set update so get ready for that and continue our article to provide you information.
Best m24 gun sniper skin free
Best M24 gun this gun is a best sniper and, if you are a player of PUBG mobile player unknown battleground,then you know that there are variety of sniper weapons in the game .and also now the new skin of the m24 gun is here ,and the m24 is one of the best gun which you can use to eliminate the opponent.
and the enemy in front of you by shooting him on the head ,and if you play the PUBG then you know that there is a kar 98k sniper, AWM sniper and also there is a M24 sniper.
on the top AWM comes and then on the second number m24 gun comes and the damage of this is sniper is very high and when you shoot any enemy two times.
he will be eliminated and you will get the kill points and also many rewards so now the best legendary skin is here for this weapon in the new mythic forge, set and now you can easily equip the latest and the legendary skin of the m24 in the PUBG mobile ,player unknown battleground game.
Free Itmes in new mythic forge set

Free items in new mythic forge set if you have heard the news that the new mythic forge set is here in the PUBG mobile game.and you want to know what are the new and the free items you are going to get in the mythic forge set then don’t get tension because .I am here to tell you that what are the free items you are going to get in the mythic forge set.
so there is a list of the items you are going to get in the latest event of the PUBG game ,and there are many legendary and also the mythic items are included in the list because. this is the exclusive update.
and you don’t have to pay any game credit to purchase the mythic items ,just you have to obtain them by completing the matches and the list of the items which are included in the mythic set event is below.
- Free m24 sniper skin.
- Best Pan Legendary Skin.
- New Premium Outfit.
- Backpack Skin
- And Many More Items.