Pubg mobile new dress customization update, new free latest Mod download, friends welcome back to another exclusive and the best article in this article .
I am going to tell you the latest news and the latest feature about the pubg mobile player unknown battlegrounds world famous action Shooter multiplayer and the online game and in this you can play and eliminate the opponents.
With the help of your friend if you also play the solo then you can also eliminate the opponent teams .and the latest mode APK of this game have been released and you can download it.
As well as the new update in the pubg mobile, player unknown battleground game is here and now you can customize your dress by your own which means if you think I would wear a marriage suit.
Then you can customize your any outfits into the marriage suit without any problem and also you can customize dresses with the skins of the guns if you also wanted to know that how you can do it then just read this article.
How To Customize Dress In Pubg
How to customize dress in pubg mobile, player unknown battleground .as they heard that the new update in the pubg mobile game have been released and in this feature you are going to customize your dresses by your own thinking.
so now everyone wants to know how they can customize outfits and wear them in the pubg because they have been bored from the old outfits and now the wanted to craft the new dresses and wanted to wear them in every match .so don’t get tension because I am here to tell you that how you can customize your outfits and dresses in pubg game.
First of all you have to open your pubg mobile game and if you. Haven’t downloaded the game for download it if you have already downloaded the game just open it and then go to your inventory item.
when you click on inventory item you will see the option of customization just click on it and you will see many options which you can apply on your outfits to customize then just pick the options what you like and you can easily customize your outfit.
Can We Upgrade Outfits According To Fun Skins
Can we upgrade outfits according to gun skin, friends if you are also a person who is searching on the Internet that they can upgrade their outfits according to their gun skin.
in the pubg mobile game because they are pro players of the game and the have many best legendary and also the very premium explain the also wanted to upgrade their outfits ,according to their gun skin .because the skins of the guns are very best and also the wanted to match outfits with the guns.
Then yes you can easily upgrade your outfits according to your gun skin because now the customization option has been launched in the pubg mobile game just click on it and customize the dress.
according to your gun skin such as if your gun skin is of blue colour than just click on customization button and upgrade your dress to blue colour without any problem.
Conclusion Of This Article
With countless options for outfitting your character and expanding customization through mods, PUBG Mobile is evolving into an even more immersive and engaging experience. So why not embrace this incredible update? Gear up in style with the latest dress customization options and take advantage of mods that will elevate your gameplay like never before!