Apex Legends mobile game is one of the best shooting game of personal computer that having recently released on the mobile phones so the players who don’t have computers can play on their mobile phones without any problem and can enjoye the Apex Legends game.
If you are a player of PUBG mobile or a free fire you will also like the new Apex Legends shooting game because you get many new features in this game like sliding ,jumping and also eliminating the the enemies with new guns and best weapons.
You can also play this game with your friends online without any problem just you have to connect your mobile phone with Wi-Fi or mobile data and can play with your friends and enjoy the Apex legend mobiles.
Apex Legends Shutdown
Apex Legends shut down, there are many people’s searching on the internet about the shutdown of Apex Legends mobile because they are many fans and there are many people who like Apex Legends on mobile phone but now they hear the news that Apex Legends is going to shut down.
And now they are searching it on the internet and that really the Apex legend mobile is going to shut down so friends yes Apex Legends has been already shutdown .
And from May 2023 you cannot play the apex legend game on your mobile phone but you can play this best game on your personal computers if you have because this game is just not available on mobile phones.
Apex Legends Mobile Requirements
- 2GB RAM,
- 4GB storage
- least Snapdragon 435
Apex Legends mobile requirements, there are many people who are going to download the Apex legend on their mobile phones and play it on their mobile phone because they don’t have personal computers but they know that you should have a high end PC to run the Apex legends.
So now they are searching on the internet that what is the requirements of Apex legends mobile so if you have a low end specs device or the high end device you can easily play the Apex legend mobile on your cellphone without any problem.
If you want to get the higher resulation and high quality of the game you need a high end device but if you can play the game on low graphics settings so you can easily play on your low end mobile phone.
Is That apex legends Mobile Is Still Available On Play Store
Is that Apex legends mobile is still available on Play store as you have been already read in the previous paragraph that the apex legends is now have been shut down for mobile phones so you can not play the apex legends on mobile phones.
And also you are not eligible to download the Apex Legends mobile from the Play store or the app store because now Apex legend mobile is not available on play store or the app store.
But very soon the Apex Legends will be released on mobile phones and once again you can play the best and the online multiplayer shooting game on your mobile phone.