New update pubg, happy capsule draw set is available so friends welcome back to our blog and in this article .I am going to tell you about the latest news of pubg mobile, player unknown Battleground there is a good news for the lovers of pubg mobile game because now the official developers and now the official pubg mobile has launched the news that the new happy capsule is available for the players of this game.
And this happy capsule is available from all the user from all over the world such as you are the user of pubg mobile from the India, Pakistan ,USA or any other country in the world .you are able to get this latest update in the pubg mobile game this update name is Happy capsule draw set and in this set you are going to get many new things ,which you are able to get in your game from your inventory you can equip then and can use them in any match which you want.
And also if you don’t know about the pubg so the pubg is one of the best world famous action, Shooter game in which you can play with your friends when the pubg mobile released there are not many locations not new weapons and also there are problems in the game
but time to time pubg mobile gave the updates to their user and the pubg improve their graphic quality and also many ,mechanics new location for added in the map. and new characters and also many more which you are now going to get in the game and also the new ,update Is added and in this update you are going to get happy capsule draw set .
How To Get Patrician Set In Pubg Mobile
How to get patrician set in pubg Pubg mobile player unknown battlegrounds game friends already told you about the new update whose name is a new happy draw set and also in this happy Rose side you are going to get latest patrician set in the pubg mobile player unknown battlegrounds again
and also there are many persons who are following the official account of pubg game on the social media such as on Instagram Facebook Or any other pair from so they have got the news that the pubg mobile is going to launch in the new patrician set in the happy draw update in the pubg mobile .
And now they wanted to how to get patrician set in the pubg mobile game by using happy draw update in the game so friend you don’t have to get tension because I am here to tell you that how you can get this latest exclusive and the very best patrician set in the pubg game just you have
go to the pubg and you will see the new event is added just click on it and you will see the many missions in the left just complete them by playing the Classic maps and when you complete the task the reward the will be in your inventory by completing the torch one item is added to your inventory when you complete the second terms and other reward is added to your inventory without any problem .
Get New Free Premium Items In New Set
How to get premium items in a new set whose name is patrician set, so friends if you are also a person who is searching on the Internet about how to get new premium items in the new set .
because the premium items are those items which are not available in the local shop of pubg such as you can’t buy the premium items by spending the local coins of the pubg ,just you have spend the unknown cash of pubg mobile player unknown Battleground game to buy the premium items ,in the game .
But now there is a golden opportunity for you that the pubg mobile is giving you free premium items in the latest set, patricianen set in the pubg game .in the update of happy draw and in this latest update you are going to get a free premium items without any problem and these will be permanent items for you that means it will not be removed from your inventory with in a time period ,you can keep them for a permanent lifetime .
So if you are also want to get premium free items in the new set so you don’t have to get tension because just you have to complete,your tasks which are given to you and you will be rewarded by the premium items such as premium legendary outfit,premium legendary gun skin or any other new items will be your in the pubg mobile game .