Mobile mobile 3.1 latest update anti-band fully moded apk download, hello friends welcome back to another article and in this exclusive article .I am going to share the information about the mobile latest news and the news is that the latest version of the PUBG mobile is 3.1 which have been already released and now there are many persons who are playing this update on their mobile phones.
And the games so they wanted to download the mod APK for the game because if they download the modded APK for the PUBG mobile ,player unknown battleground game so they will get the new features and also the many things such as the premium outfits and the other things of which are paid .
but they are going to get them free by using the mode APK game ,so they also wanted to download it fully anti ban. If you are also a person who wanted that and don’t know how to do it then don’t get tension .I am here to tell you that how you can download the latest APK of the pubg mobile game latest update.
How To Extract APK In Pubg
How to extract APK in PUBG mobile game mobile player unknown battleground is one of the best action multiplayer and the online game in which you get the various categories of the weapons .and also that there are many locations which are available in the map of PUBG game and now the latest APK in the version of 3.1 is available, and also some of the people have downloaded it and now they wanted to extract in the game to get the new features.
And the new things which are edited by the APK game, so they don’t know how to extract it into the PUBG game so don’t get tension if you’re also wanting to extract the latest updated APK in the PUBG game then follow the given steps.
- Firstly download the latest Mod APK for the pubg mobile game if you haven’t downloaded it and if you have already downloaded it.
- Then go to the file manager of the mobile phone then find the latest APK which have downloaded from the internet.
- Then copy the file and select it and then move it to the folder of the pubg mobile game and then paste in the file there and the new features will be added to your game and your able to play this mode in the game without any problem.
Download Free Mod APK 3.1 Update
Download free Mod APK 3.1 update, there are many person who wanted to download the PUBG mobile, player unknown battleground game latest in the latest version of 3.1 so if you also wanted to download this update to get the new features by using the mod APK game then don’t get tension because .I am here to tell you that how you can download the free mode APK ,game 3.1 latest version for the PUBG mobile world famous action shooter game.
First you have to go to the internet and then search for the pubg mobile free Mod APK 3.1 update ,when you search it in the search bar of the browser you will see many posts click on any post where do you like and when you click on the post you will see the download button and the download is free if it says to pay the price then leave the site.
Because you are going to download the free mode APK of the PUBG mobile in the latest 3.1 version, if the file is free then download it in your mobile phone and extract by using the previous steps that I have given to you.
New Mod For PC

New mode for personal computer, there are many persons who are playing the pubg Mobile world famous online multiplayer game on their computer because there is a version which you can use and play on the personal computer.
And can do fun with your friends also on the computer so the new mode is have been released and also many players who are playing the game on their computers also wanted ,to get the new mod and wanted to do the exclusive fum so don’t get tension because you are able to download the new mode for your personal computer .
and this is available on the internet and just you have to download it put it in the game and you will be able to play the exclusive mode APK for free with the best various features.