Pubg Skins.
There are many skins in pubg skins of guns, cars and other skins in pubg . if you want your character looks cool or especial if you want this you can customize this with skins like if your which you have school skirts you spend your $50 for it or other pants and shirts nearly $1. you can by creates, pants and other cool things if you have a crate you can also use this creates to open many cool. shirts, pants, and other cool things.
Guns Skins.
There are many beautiful , Gorgeous and dangerous skins of guns in Player Unknown’s BattleGrounds (pubg) like , m416 fool , Glacier ‘ and other skins of m416 and also all guns have many skins like kar98k have many skins like moonlight etc.Also akm has more skins like Rock star , Golden sand , Withrer and other skins .
Car Skins
There are many cars skins in pubg if you are wishes that you have skins of cars and look legend and pro like other so first you buy this skins and spin the event or also collect rewards and redeem this car skins if you get this skins so you also get this skins.all cars have skins like dacia . UAZ . Bugy . Bike . Three seater bike. And also boats have skins.
Helmet And Backpack Skins.
Also helmet skin is very popular in pubg because this is the legendary item many pro players have on their helmets . And also the backpack skins are very nice like other skins .
M249 Machine Gun.
M249 Machine gun is the best machine gun in pubg because the reloading bullets is 100 and you know how many bullets need to kill enemy but karaftoon added this machine gun in Player Unknown’s battleGrounds (pubg) for killing the enemies in car and they are going in very speed if in the place of m249 machine gun another gun.
when you spray on a car from another gun have gone to reload but m249 machine guns have 100 bullets for fire on enemy cars you can also blast the armored UAZ ( BRDM ) and blast the other cars .
Arena Training.
In arena training . train yourself for fighting enemies in classic matches because if you were killed in this mode you will respond . all the guns are here ,would you like to pick up an assault rifle and train yourself for it? If you’re a sniper and practice how to quick scope and how to headshot you can practice this in arena training with your squad.
you also play with your friend first by room card from clane and make room for arena training . you’re in the blue team and your friend is in red so you and show your skills to your friend . Also the other training Mode is especially made for training but you read it in another article .
Weapons You Found In Air Drops
There are some weapons where you get in air drops like , Mk14 ,m249 machine gun , Awm sniper,Aug, Groza, level 3 helmets ,vests and also backpack you get in air drops.
Written by M.Rehan.Naz: